We understand that the food and agriculture sector will have to undergo radical changes to feed the ever growing population with diminishing proportion of agricultural land. This can be done only through innovative measures that would run across the food spectrum from cultivation and production to storage and distribution of food. Innovation is believed to be the key for improving the sustainability and resilience in food and agriculture. This would necessitate more balanced use of natural resources to preserve available land, water and bio-diversity resources and respond to climate changes. The key driver for this to be achieved is a proper collaboration and synergy between agro-technology, food-technology and information technology.
We assist clients in assessment of its current situation and future needs for sustainability and competitive advantage in terms of process innovation, technology intervention and data-driven decision making, while at the same time guiding them in identifying the right product and partner, which can enable the client in getting the desired outcome in its journey of ‘strategy through execution’.
Our outcome-based approach will build the client capability and readiness to positively deal with the future challenges, and enhance its adaptation to the changing agriculture and food value chain. Thus it will bring in the required competitive advantage to meet the consumer expectation of bridging the supply-demand gap.
We understand that there is strong potential in the global education sector for a multi-dimensional expansion driven by growth in population, policy reforms by government, incentivizing the primary education for inclusive development, and transformation in delivery and learning through technological intervention. In today’s world, education is not just about gaining theoretical knowledge and earning degrees/diplomas but it more about how the information gathered by a person would help them develop themselves and solve practical real-life challenges, expand their thinking ability to be more innovative in their professional life. Education should come in different forms than just in books. We see the opportunities that can be introduced to not just students, but also parents to guide their children with the best possible plan. The expectations of the students have changed as they want to see their digital passion and skills reflected in what they learn, how they learn and where they learn. We believe in making an environment where children do not feel forced while studying but an opportunity to explore and discover.
We assist clients in improving the quality of education delivery through guidance in greater use of personalized learning using digital tools, assessment of interactive learning platform, feasibility study of digital campuses and changing role of classroom, and design of learning environments for the young learners to discover and explore by gamification. We also provide value-added services like improved information security by ensuring right security protocols and technology controls to protect servers and safe storage and dissemination of student data.
Our outcome-based approach will be instrumental in preparing the clients for the future innovation in this sector in the areas of delivery, student experience and evaluation, learning effectiveness, coverage of all communities and information security, through collaboration with educational research experts and institutes.
We understand that affordability and accessibility of healthcare and health coverage among the public, both urban and rural population, has been the single most challenging issue being faced by most of the developing countries for a long time. There is also a polarity in the quality of care provision and access around the world. Advancement in healthcare technology, in many cases, has increased the cost of care and thus making it less affordable for the public, while there has been a constant effort to use digital technology to improve the access to care. On the other hand, the ongoing data revolution is transforming the patient care by making it easier for doctors to diagnose, treat and cure as well as the government to predict any forthcoming epidemic. We also realize that the growing middle class, increase in life-expectancy, intensification of communicable diseases, steady rise in lifestyle and chronic diseases, focus on environmental sanitation are bringing in new expectations from the healthcare system and adding new dimensions to the control efforts.
We assist clients in assessing the impact of regulatory framework, policy guidelines and digital technology on accessibility and quality of care, and how this understanding can be combined with healthcare technology, data science and process re-engineering to bring innovation towards cost-saving solutions and human-centered care. Some additional areas where we do deliver value-added services are healthcare infrastructure assessment, financial feasibility analysis, strategy and roadmap for e-Health and m-Health, and system consolidation based on gap analysis.
Our outcome-based approach will enhance the ability of healthcare providers to improve the quality of care and equip them with the right tools and technologies to provide greater accessibility of quality care to the public. It will also drive the digital transformation of the care providers and make them data-driven for any future decision-making.
We understand that the transportation sector is expected to face several unique challenges over the coming years due to continuous growth in population, change in demographics and improved standard of living of growing population, economic development, rapid urbanization of the nations and growth in fuel demand, coupled with the government interventions and regulations of various degrees and types. It is essential that the stressed and overburdened urban mobility landscape gets reconfigured not only for the sake of productivity but also for the quality of life for the present and future citizens.
We assist clients in addressing their need for a sustainable transport system at a lower social cost where safety and security are at its highest level, while traffic congestion, pollution and noise level generated by the volume of all modes of transport and freight are minimal.
Our outcome-based approach will be instrumental in preparing the clients for the future through effective use of technological improvements in efficiency, monitoring, distribution and control, demand forecasting and prediction as well as financial due diligence and government policies and regulations to suit specific needs of each mode of transportation.
We understand that the public procurement of goods, works and services across various developing nations are mostly decentralized in nature leading to challenges and risks in terms of transparency, integrity, fair competition, proper utilization of state funds, development of indigenous contractors and manufacturers as well as compliance with a myriad of regulations and guidelines for achieving the economic and social objectives. However, the recent trends have shown that the focus has shifted towards cost reduction, centralized oversight with local decision-making ability, reusability and interoperability of all cross-department projects, investment risk reluctance and reduced dependency on foreign funding.
We assist clients in business process transformation to adapt to the changing ecosystem for public procurement as well as assessment and adoption of the technology advancements as the change agent and driving force to sustain in the digitally connected world. Some of these advanced technology includes automated procurement, big data for predictive analysis and forecasting, e-wallets for a safe, secure and faster payment experience, collaboration platform and blockchain based auditing of suppliers.
Our outcome-based approach will enhance the agility of procurement process while enabling the right collaboration and cooperation between all external and internal stakeholders thus shifting the focus to value, quality and teamwork.
We understand that in today’s business context, financial services activities of a department are not only restricted to deployment of effective and efficient financial management information system fulfilling the rules of business accounting and central bank’s guidelines and regulations. It also involves managing the associated risks and controls to avoid financial frauds, as well as performing econometric analysis of transactional data and financial performance, financial risk modeling, audit of financial data and financial due diligence that would enable business decision-making for a go-no-go decision. Some of the key risks and challenges impacting financial services domain are operational inefficiencies, poor customer experience, compliance to a highly regulatory environment, competition from global private players in BFSI and insurance domains, capital investment decision-making in a volatile or uncertain market, functioning of exchanges and clearinghouses, evolving cyber threats, technology adoption, integration and interoperability, etc.
We assist clients in financial and economic assessment and feasibility analysis for taking any capital investment decision, formulation of business rules and guidelines in compliance with insurance policy and framework, streamlining and reengineering of financial processes to remove inefficiencies and system losses, performance benchmarking of financial systems, evaluation and selection of the right tools and technology platform to have the competitive advantage and analysis of infrastructure to be resilient against cyber threats.
Our outcome-based approach will redefine the way finance function and its associated risks, rewards and challenges are going to be viewed, understood and handled within an organization and enhance the ability of our clients to think beyond the obvious and make transformation as their way of life.
We understand that in the modern world, ‘change’ is the only constant that drives an organization towards agility and excellence. On the other hand, capacity building is the process that aims to improve the ability of organizational resources to meet development objectives or to perform better, thus enabling new learning to be imbibed for sustainability. But to bring about any change in the status-quo of an organization, it is important to understand the capacity gaps, how to deal with change resistance, support requirement during transition, identifying partners and stakeholders, developing change agents, and the specific need for supervision and mentoring.
We help clients in building the skill sets of their resources that would strengthen and sustain the organizational foundation to take up any transformation initiative and adopt a new way of performing the business operations. We perform the need assessment and skill-gap analysis of the resources in line with the development strategies and future state process and technology roadmap of the organization while working with the client in developing the training agenda, curriculum and mode/type for a successful outcome.
Our outcome-based approach to build the client capacity and manage organizational change is targeted towards enhanced client experience and delivering results while making us their trusted advisor for any future endeavor.
We understand that the future challenge of homeland security will not only be managing border security (both land and maritime), monitoring cross-border trafficking and combating internal law and order situation, but also countering cyber-crime and financial frauds that can destabilize the nation’s economy. Effective use of modern technologies and analytics tools can enable collection and analysis of large numbers of bank transactions in order to combat domestic and international money laundering, and other financial crimes. Similarly, Government agencies such as police departments can leverage advanced, real-time analytics to provide actionable intelligence that can be used to understand criminal behavior, identify crime/incident patterns, and uncover location-based threats, which would reduce crimes.
We assist clients in assessing the impact of any perceived security threat through proper analysis of historical data and leading global trends and practices, bringing in technology intervention based process innovation and identifying tools and technologies that would help to address those impending threats. Some additional areas where we do deliver value-added services are Security Audit and/or post-facto gap analysis of any incidence occurrence.
Our outcome-based approach will drive the future direction of anticipating, identifying and understanding security incidents by the clients and equip them with the right tools, knowledge and techniques to address as well as prevent them.
We understand that climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of the extreme weather and climate events that are affecting all the developing and low-income countries over recent years. The socioeconomic inequalities have led to differential impacts of climate hazards on the common people, disadvantaged groups and vulnerable communities, and would eventually lead to increased poverty, food insecurity, displaced habitat, and health problems. Some of the key factors affecting these climate change are industrial pollution, vehicular emission, deforestation, global warming, floods and natural calamities, riverbank erosion, etc. We are seeing adaptation and resilience for climate-related natural disasters is now being taken up as large scale sustainable programs, integrated into either the urban or rural development plans. These adaptation measures are primarily targeted towards city resilience, access to water and shelter, protection of natural ecosystems and reduction in disaster risks.
We assist clients in impact assessment and feasibility study of climate resilience programs driven by identified tools and technologies, and in proactively considering climate change risks and opportunities in their business decisions. Our value-added services also include monitoring and evaluation of the sustainable programs and assisting clients with running the PMO services.
Our outcome-based approach will enhance the ability of clients to anticipate the impending threats of climatic disruptions and to adopt innovative means of addressing them and also prepare the clients with the right tools and operational agility to respond to climate change needs in the future.